Wednesday, November 21, 2007
How to marry a rich a guy?
I'm going to be honest of what I'm going to say here. I'm 25 this year. I'm very pretty, have style and good taste. I wish to marry a guy with $500k annual salary or above. You might say that I'm greedy, but an annual salary of $1M is considered only as middle class in New York . My requirement is not high. Is there anyone in this forum who has an income of $500k annual salary? Are you all married? I wanted to ask: what should I do to marry rich persons like you?
Among those I've dated, the richest is $250k annual income, and it seems that this is my upper limit. If someone is going to move into high cost residential area on the west of New York City Garden , $250k annual income is not enough.
I'm here humbly to ask a few questions:
1) Where do most rich bachelors hang out? (Please list down the names and addresses of bars, restaurant, gym)
2) Which age group should I target?
3) Why most wives of the riches is only average-looking? I've met a few girls who doesn't have looks and are
not interesting, but they are able to marry rich guys
4) How do you decide who can be your wife, and who can only be your girlfriend? (my target now is to get married)
*************************Ms. Pretty*****************************************
Here's a reply from a Wall Street Financial guy:
Dear Ms. Pretty,
I have read your post with great interest. Guess there are lots of girls out there who have similar questions like yours. Please allow me to analyze your situation as a professional investor. My annual income is more than $500k, which meets your requirement, so I hope everyone believes that I'm not wasting time here.
From the standpoint of a business person, it is a bad decision to marry you. The answer is very simple, so let me explain. Put the details aside, what you're trying to do is an exchange of beauty and money: Person A provides beauty, and Person B pays for it, fair and square.
However, there's a deadly problem here, your beauty will fade, but my money will not be gone without any good reason. The fact is, my income might increase from year to year, but you can't be prettier year after year. Hence from the viewpoint of economics, I am an appreciation asset, and you are a depreciation asset. It's not just normal depreciation, but exponential depre ciation. If that is your only asset, your value will be much worried 10 years later.
By the terms we use in Wall Street, every trading has a position, dating with you is also a trading position. If the trade value dropped we will sell it and it is not a good idea to keep it for long term same goes with the marriage that you wanted. It might be cruel to say this, but in order to make a wiser decision any assets with great depreciation value will be sold or leased. Anyone with over $500k annual income is not a fool; we would only date you, but will not marry you. I would advice that you forget looking for any clues to marry a rich guy. And by the way, you could make yourself to become a rich person with $500k annual income. This has better chance than finding a rich fool.
Hope this reply helps. If you are interested in leasing services, do contact me.
Signed, J.P. Morgan
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Lankan News Style
Its so interesting to listen to both the sides story. Both will look at the incident from their point of view, and as a movie maniac, its damn interesting for me.
Lets look at the latest Anuradhapura attack by LTTE, which they named as "Operation Ellalan".
The follwing is an extract from tamilnet. Helicopters including two MI-24 gunships, one MI-17, one PT6, one Bell 212, a CTH 748, and a reconnaissance aircraft were destroyed in the attack, according to Mr. Ilanthirayan.
Lets see what (official webiste of ministry of defence). Meanwhile, it has been reported that a Bell 212 helicopter which was pursuing the terror aircraft was crashed onto Doramadalawa, in the Mihinthale area during the confrontation. According to the sources the two pilots and two gunners who were onboard the helicopter, have died in the incident. The helicopter was called in for assistance from Vavuniya, air force sources said. The reason for the crash is suspected to be a technical failure.
So its been accepted my the both sides that Bell 212 Helicopter was destroyed. But the funny part is http://www.defence.lks/ 's press release. They say the Bell 212 was on pursuit of the terrror aircraft, after being called in for assistance from vavuniya. It crashed after technical failure. Too much of a coincidence hey?? The helicopter was on pursuit of terrorist aircraft and was logically in a battlezone but didnt crash cuz of any attack, but of technical failure. Wonderful story!!!
And why would you want to call a Bell 212 for assistance???i mean why cant u ask for a figter jet or some good aircraft. According to wikipedia, Bell 212 is used as an air aumbulance or for rescue missions. ( Why would u send an aircraft which is primarily used as an air amulance in the military all over the world, to go on pursuit of a terror aircraft???
Oh i love the lankan media. They want to lie, but dont know how to do it properly!!
Monday, October 22, 2007
Dumbledores Gay
Any Harry Potter freaks out here? You all must have known the headmaster of Harry Potter’s school, Albus Dumbledore.
The author of Harry Potter, J K Rowling, went on a book tour to america and was asked if Dumbledore found true love.
“Dumbledore is gay,” she replied, before adding that he’d fallen in love with his rival Gellert Grindelwald.
But she said Dumbledore was “terribly let down” when Grindelwald became more interested in the dark arts than good, and so he went on to destroy him.
Fans at New York’s Carnegie Hall were initially stunned into silence by the announcement, but soon started clapping and cheering.
JK said: “I would have told you earlier if I knew it would make you so happy.”
The news should help to clear up lots of rumours about Dumbledore’s mysterious past once and for all. But interesting hey, the best wizard in the wordl is a gay!!!
Saturday, October 13, 2007
The Transformers
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Oman - Wadi
And there is no drainage system outside Muscat. While you travel on these roads you will see a lot Wadi crossing, and only in certain places where the predicted flow is high, you will see a bridge built across. On all other occasions the Wadi is allowed to cross the road, by building the road beneath the Wadi level. So when it rains and rains hard once in a blue moon, the road Wadi will be running across the road. So when it rains the transportation will come to a halt.
What is the big deal if the transportation outside the city comes to a halt once in a blue moon? Well guys, people do live outside the city area. There are lots and lots of tiny villages positioned all over the desert. Because that there is so much free space and land outside the city, the houses are placed quite far from each other. Heard that lands to build houses are given to the locals by the government according to their cast and status. Its pity you can’t choose where you want to live. Well anyway the problem is that, because you find houses all over the place and they are situated far from each other, it’s not possible to supply water and clear drainage through pipelines. So the water is supplied to the houses regularly and the drainage is sucked away by Tanker Lorries. By standard the water supplying tankers are blue in colour while the Yellow ones suck away the drainage.
So when the Wadi flows high, and blocks the road, people in the rural areas will not have access to water, and their drainage will not be cleared too. But luckily for them, the dessert sun is too hot, that Wadi doesn’t last more than a day. Cost reduction is the only possible explanation given by the road authorities, for not building a bridge and making the Wadi go beneath the road. Life is funny and different all over the world!!!
Monday, October 1, 2007
Oman - A first Glimpse
I Flew from Tech Savvy, kiasu spirited Singapore to Colombo, from where my connecting flight to Muscat was scheduled by Sri Lankan Airlines. It was a wonderful experience flying from Singapore-Colombo on Airbus A340, with its wonderful In-flight entertainment and cool Lankan passengers returning home. But the Flight from Colombo-Muscat was utter disaster, with no In-Flight entertainment, and labourers travelling to Oman from Kerala filling the small Airbus A320.
But luckily the Grape juice (Cabernet Sauvignon) that I had, took me to sleep easily, and when I woke up, I felt I had time travelled back to the 80s. The flight didn’t move close to the Airport Terminal and halted in the middle of the tarmac area. Then only I realised that there was no aerobridge to connect the flight to the terminal, and saw a passenger bus approaching us. So climbed down to the tarmac and got into the passenger bus and went into the transit hall which looked like on of those old government hospitals in Sri Lanka. There was no order or no proper signage to follow, and I was strictly ordered by an Airport Police to join the Residents Visa line, although I told him 1000 times that I don’t have a Resident Visa, but a Family Visit Visa. Maybe it works like that here, and the staff at the counter gave me the chop on my passport and said “Thaankku”.
Came out, spotted my parents and after some warm greetings and some usual complaints, loaded the baggage on dad’s pick up, and rode home. After leaving the city I expected to see sand dunes with baking sun and Camels crossing roads. As the Seeb International Airport, where I landed was just outside the main City premises, didn’t get to see much of the city. The 55Km journey from the airport to my dads place was my first glimpse of Oman. The land outside was like small hills of rock and mud. But you see a lot these hills all around you. And you see some bushes by the roadside with small trees embedded on it here and there. And some of the hills were covered with a small layer of freshly grown grass, resulting from last night showers.
The Government of Oman is also quite interesting. The king (His Majesty Sultan Qaboos) is the head of the country. The government only allows Omanis (Local Arab Citizens) to buy property, land or even own a vehicle, in a country where foreign labour force is double the size of local population. So as a foreign worker you will be given a house, a vehicle which will be oiled by your company, and you water, electricity, gas, phone bills also will be settled. All you have to do is just do the work and earn all the money, while you only have to spend your money for Food. All this is given cuz you have to bear the dessert heat while working, and your only off day is Friday. And you are not allowed to kiss or flirt around with your girl in public. Heard that Dubai and Bahrain are the only other 2 Middle East cities where you are allowed to roam around freely. I was informed that Saudi Arabia is so strict that even foreign non-Muslim girls, entering the country are required to dress up like ninjas. Wierd ah???
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Extra- Ordinary A380
Oh well enough of the introduction of A380 (thanks All of you might be aware of the fact that Singapore Airlines will receive the first A380, and will be first to fly it commercially. All the other airlines will receive A380 only in late 2008.
On 13-08-07 some students of Temasek Polytechnic and some other volunteers were taken to a tour around Terminal 3 of Changi Airport. And then had the rare chance of boarding into Airbus A380, and got the T3 is so cool. It has many special features. One of them is the butterfly roofs. The roofs are arranged in a special manner which will allow natural light to come inside the terminal. The air condition system is set from the ground, as the roof is so high. And the best of all is the vertical garden which is 5 storeys high and can be seen from both arrival and departure halls.
After looking around Terminal 3, all the participants were taken to Terminal to Board into A380, which was parked there. Separate boarding passes were issued to all participants. All were given hand carry luggage to take onboard A380 to act as a real passenger. And food was provided to all the passengers and was encouraged by the in-flight supervisor to throw the remaining all over the aircraft. Basically these tests were conducted to measure the time needed to board all the passengers into A380, the time to disembark all the passengers, and the time to clean the whole aircraft.
If you want my personal comment on A380, as a passenger it just looks like any other aircraft. Nothing special about it. It just looks huge from the outside, and the cockpit might have some additional features, and the flight might have a longer flying time. But as an economy class passenger, there is nothing special in it comparing to any other modern day commercial aircraft.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
I am Tagged
1- My hair is curly, messy and it looks like fro. But it’s my natural real hair. I can’t help’s not my fault... Some say, “It’s too messy, do something about it”. But when they ask like that I feel like “you are dark, do something about it”. I mean I was born with this, how can I change this???
2- I suck big time in Programming!!! I know my programming skills are not the best, after falling asleep half of my Microcontroller Technology lab. But then I unknowingly fell into the trap again for my major project, as I was put into the software group of the Boeing 747 aircraft project. This serious, as my grades are gonna get seriously affected...Let’s see how it goes...Never ever plan the future, just live it!!!
3- Finding House!!!Again!!! Finding house in Singapore has been the most important and most consistent quest that I have done so far in Singapore. In my 2 ½ year history in Singapore I have lived in 6 houses, and now looking for 7th. Interesting Hey!!??
4- Top Secret...My life nowadays have become top secret, and I am not allowed to speak about it...I am doing a Boeing 747 simulator for my Major Project, and my supervisor has restricted us not to speak in detail about it to is project part time job in airport, also is the same, as I am not allowed to speak much in detail about the proceedings to outsiders. Sometimes I feel like an undercover agent!!!
5- Setting new trend has always been me. And the latest addition to this is my necklace. It is just a plain black chain with a microchip attached to it as pendant. All those who are studying electronics can easily find one in their college’s component store. And a resistor as an ear stud will give a complete Eletro-cool look. Tech savvy style!!!, that’s how I call my trend. Feel free to follow me!!
6- There are times when you get addicted to some website and keep on checking it very regularly. My latest addiction is facebook. Due to some unavoidable things being scribbled on my wall, I had to go and keep on firing back. At least it keeps me entertained, so I don’t complain.
7- My latest mania is going to gym. I was going to gym regularly 6 months ago, then got bored by doing the same routine. But now with Senthuran, always being so fussy when selecting the food court and the food to eat, the disease infected me. The friends that u make will make who you are, is completely true. After Senthuran was affected by this gym mania, now 3 of us were infected and are accompanying him to the gym and, do some lifting. Me body is fit and strong now!!haha!!
Hope you all enjoyed the read...I hereby pass the tag torch to Arjuna...he can do it after his A/Ls.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Hero Harry Potter???
What sets Deathly Hallows apart from all other Harry potter series books is that, there is no Hogwarts this time. The action starts right from the word go. We see how wizards apparate/dissaparate in real life, and how they live undercover. The most important of all is that, a lot of events take place in such a short time unlike the previous books. Only 2 Horcruxes have been destroyed until now. So harry finds the remaining 5, destroys them and also kills Voldermort. And not forgetting about the new theory of Deathly hallows and gathering them too.
But what I liked about Harry Potter character is that, he is not a hero like Spiderman or Superman or Sivaji. He is brave and noble. But is not that brilliant when it comes to battles. He makes lots and lots of stupid mistakes, which causes pain and discomfort to his friends. Especially Hermione who was cursed by a crucatious curse. He always escapes from tight spots either by luck, or by his brave friends like Hermione and Ron. But nevertheless, Harry has a kind heart, which makes him superior than any other hero!!!
At last Harry Potter ended. And it was very satisfying indeed!!!
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Support Sivaji!!
1-“There is no story in Sivaji”
Who makes movies without a story? Every movie has a story of some kind. Look at “Pirates of the Caribbean” trilogy; did any of them have a proper story? They had lots and lots of plots and sub plots. But the main theme is just Jack Sparrow Vs Davy Jones. Why can’t we have Rajini Vs Suman in Sivaji? But Sivaji had a better message to tell, unlike Pirates. Sivaji Talked about bringing out the black money, and asking not for the rich to become richer, but also the poor to become rich. And he cleans the black money to white, through hawala method. How many of you know what hawala method is? It’s called money laundering! The way he cleans money is perfectly logical.
2-“There is nothing unique in Sivaji”
What do you mean by being unique? Rajini have his huge set of fans and followers who wants to see him powerful on screen. There actors like Kamlahasan, whose fans expect him to be unique and different in all his movies. But how can u expect Kamal to do a powerful role, and Rajini to do unique role. It sounds idiotic and it doesn’t work like that. This doesn’t happen even in Hollywood. Every movie of Arnold Schwarzenegger shows him strong and powerful and has formula story to follow. And similarly every movie of Brad Pitt shows him cool and romantic, and every movie of Russell Crowe has a real life story or unique characters from his previous films.
You can’t change an icon like Rajini so differently on screen. Changing his appearance slightly by growing beard in Baba was not accepted by his fans. So the director has to be careful about that. But still Rajini came up with lots of different styles and get-ups. He even imitated Sivaji Ganeshan, MGR and Kamlahasan, which he had never done before. And he also appears with a tonsured head.
And furthermore you can’t show Rajini getting beaten more by villains. There was a slapping scene in Muthu, and fans got angry on it and burnt down an expensive screen in Chennai. You might be living in a civilised developed country, but the culture and fanatical maniac fans in India are different. And mind you, Sivaji is made for them. They are the main market.
3-“The fight is not so good”
Movies like Pirates have 1 billion dollar market, so they will put in all the money to have a nice incredible fight scene with all the latest technology and highest quality. But Sivaji has 5 million dollar market, and that too is the highest ever registered in Tamil Cinema. How can you expect the movie to have fight scenes like in Hollywood movies?
And our hero Rajini is 58. Give some excuses to the guy. He has done better to his age.
Sivaji has done quite well considering the fact that the movie was under lots of pressure to perform well. It did deliver quite well to the expectation. It might not be the best, buts its good enough!!!
Monday, June 18, 2007
Spoofy Sivaji
The thing that I like most about Sivaji is its spoofs. Making parody of Rajini's old movies, existing film dialogues and also calling himself in the names of yesteryear legends of Tamil cinema, was real fun. My film reviews are not like all other reviews, which just analyse the movie on the whole and give comments. My article here is a listing of parodies involved in the movie and analysing it individually.
1- The Title 'Sivaji'
Rajini's name in the movie itself is a parody. First of all his real name is Shivaji Rao Gaekwad. But he bears the title role of Sivaji also being a big fan of the legendary Actor Sivaji Ganeshan. The title first appears with a black and white label of 'Sivaji', and then it changes to 'Sivaji the boss'. In one scene when asked who he was, Rajini replies back "Parashakthi hero", referring to Sivaji Ganeshan. In the climax Rajini comes with a tonsured head and when asked whether if he was Sivaji, he replies back "No I am MGR", referring to the former Tamil Nadu chief minister and former super star of Tamil Nadu. But interestingly he bears the name M.G.Ravichandran, instead of M.G.Ramachandran to avoid criticism from MGR fanatical maniacs.
2- No 8.
A lot of news and predications were made about the importance of No 8, long before the movie was near completion. This is Shankar’s 8th movie to be directed in Tamil. 8th time AVM and Rajini are joining hands once again. Shankar’s lucky number is 8, born August 17, 1963, 8th time A.R.Rahman is composing music for a Shankar movie, and was predicted that the movie would be released on 8th of May. Seems that Shankar was aware of this conspiracy circulating in the media, and there was a reference to it in the movie when, Vivek informs the officer that the arranged prostitute is in room 35, and it’s no 8, a lucky number.
3-Refering to Famous Funny Dialogues and Scenes of other movies.
Rajini was in Shreya's house and asks her to dance for "raa raa" from chandramukhi. And he acts here again saying the jathi but Livingstone jumps in at the right moment and says "lakalakalakalaka". It’s hilarious to see Rajini is there in the movie but not speaking his own famous dialogue.
In the suicide scene Rajini tells Vivek "Enna vachu comedy keemedy ethuvum pannalaye?”
And Vivek responds back with the trademark "awwwhhh" of Vadivelu, although he is not in this movie.
In one scene Rajini says "Enna Kodumai Saravanan Ithu", which was originally used in chandramukhi, but later was popularised more by Chennai 600028 and was so hilarious in YouTube with Vijayakanth fight edited to it.
When everything is lost for Rajini Suman tells him, "I see that you have lost everything now, what are you going to do?? Are u going to milk cows (referring to annamalai), or drive auto (referring to Batsha), or become a bus conductor (referring to Rajini’s past life) ".
Lots of mimicry artists try to open Rajini's Laptop which is protected by Voice Recognition software. When asked to imitate like Sivaji and open the laptop, Sinni Jeyanth imitates Sivaji Ganeshan. Thamu gives the final shot when the laptop warns that if you make one final false attempt, it will self destruct itself. He dramatically says the final word "lakalakalakalaka", only too see the laptop getting self destructed. Was so funny.
4-Dressing up like other Actors
In the first night scene Rajini speaks of different varieties of doing it. He dresses up and dances like Sivaji Ganeshan, then MGR and then Kamalahasan. It’s so funny to see the super star acting like the yesteryear legends and his present competitor.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Stay in a Colombo lodge and win an all expenses paid return trip to Vavuniya and back!
Principal Organiser - Ministry of Defence & National Security, Srilanka
Principal Sponsor - Sri Lankan Taxpayer Limited Special Offer, Restricted to Tamils only.
(Ethnicity will be strictly scrutinised)
Call Gota or Victor on 6543210 now
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
A game of Chess
But he requested for a second game and came back with vengeance. His moves were so fierce that I lost my bishop and knight so early. Then he moved his knight inside my area, and soon my king could take only 2 steps. He was about to win...
That’s when I started an off topic conversation with him. I talked to him about the latest Ltte attack in Sri Lanka and he was sucked into the conversation. He was discussing with me on how this stupid war is affecting the country. So much into the topic he made a lot of mistakes in his chess. He didn’t see me pawn targeting his bishop and my knight on his. Very soon he lost his mind and quit the game.
Lessons Learnt...
1 - I see how the war in Sri Lanka has affected the people even after leaving.
2 – Its hard to fight back someone with vengeance.
3 – Everything is in the mind of the individual. Make Ur mind strong, u can achieve anything.
4 – Being smart doesn’t mean u cheat!!
Friday, June 1, 2007
Mathematical Jokes
This joke relies on the fact that mathematical expressions, just as expressions in natural languages, may have multiple meanings. When multiple meanings are available, puns are possible. In this case a pun is made using the expression 10. For non-mathematicians or non-computer programmers 10 almost always refers to the number ten. However, in binary, the expression 10 means the decimal number two. Thus the joke says that there are only two kinds of people, those who understand binary, and those who don't. However, those who do not understand binary will certainly not get the joke. This joke is only feasible in written form; when speaking a binary number aloud, "10" would be phrased as "One Zero" or simply "two", rather than "Ten".
If only DEAD people understand hexadecimal, how many people understand hexadecimal?
In this case, DEAD refers to a hexadecimal number (57005), not the state of being no longer alive.
Another pun using different radices, sometimes attributed to computer scientists, asks:
Why do mathematicians think Halloween and Christmas are the same?
(This one is also often attributed to computer scientists: Real programmers confuse Halloween and Christmas — because dec(25)=oct(31).)
"Why did the chicken cross the Möbius strip?"
Stereotypes of mathematicians
A mathematician and his best friend, an engineer, attend a public lecture on geometry in thirteen-dimensional space. "How did you like it?" the mathematician wants to know after the talk. "My head's spinning", the engineer confesses. "How can you develop any intuition for thirteen-dimensional space?" "Well, it's not even difficult. All I do is visualize the situation in n-dimensional space and then set n = 13."
A mathematician, a biologist and a physicist are sitting in a street café watching people going in and coming out of the house on the other side of the street. First they see two people going into the house. Time passes. After a while they notice three persons coming out of the house. The physicist says, "The measurement wasn't accurate." The biologist says, "They must have reproduced." The mathematician says, "If one more person enters the house then it will be empty." (+2-3=-1. therefore if one more person enters it will be 0)
A mathematician and an engineer agreed to take part in a psychological test. They sat on one side of a room and waited not knowing what to expect. A door opened on the other side and a naked woman came in the room and stood on the far side. They were then instructed that every time they heard a beep they could move half the remaining distance to the woman. They heard a beep and the engineer jumped up and moved halfway across the room while the mathematician continued to sit, looking disgusted and bored. When the mathematician didn't move after the second beep he was asked why. "Because I know I will never reach the woman." The engineer was asked why he chose to move and replied, "Because I know that very soon I will be close enough for all practical purposes!" (The joke hints at the dichotomy paradox.)
A mathematician, an engineer and a chemist are at a conference. They are staying in adjoining rooms. One evening they are downstairs in the bar. The mathematician goes to bed first. The chemist goes next, followed a minute or two later by the engineer. The chemist notices that in the corridor outside their rooms a rubbish bin is ablaze. There is a bucket of water nearby. The chemist starts concocting a means of generating carbon dioxide in order to create a makeshift extinguisher but before he can do so the engineer arrives, dumps the water on the fire and puts it out. The next morning the chemist and engineer tell the mathematician about the fire. He admits he saw it. They ask him why the hell he didn't put it out. He replies contemptuously "there was a fire and a bucket of water: a solution obviously existed."
A mathematician, a physicist, and an engineer were traveling through Scotland when they saw a black sheep through the window of the train. "Aha," says the engineer, "I see that Scottish sheep are black."
"Hmm," says the physicist, "you mean that at least one Scottish sheep is black."
"No," says the mathematician, "all we know is that there is at least one sheep in Scotland, at least one side of which looks black from here!"
A sociologist, a physicist and a mathematician are all given equal amounts of fencing, and are asked to enclose the greatest area. The sociologist pauses for a moment and decides to enclose a square area with his fence. The physicist, realizing he can fence off a greater amount of land with the same amount of fencing, promptly sets his fence in the form of a circle, and smiles. "I'd like to see you beat that!" he says to the mathematician. The mathematician, in response, takes a very small piece of his own fencing, and wraps it around himself, proclaiming, "I define my location to be outside of the fence!"
Three statisticians go duck hunting. Their dog chases out a duck and it starts to fly. The first statistician aims and takes his shot, it misses a foot too high. The second statistician aims and takes his shot, it misses a foot too low. The third statistician says, "We got him!"
The humor there is derived from the fact that the average of the shots hits the duck, and so it is dead.
Non-mathematician's math
A visitor to the Royal Tyrell Museum was admiring a Tyrannosaurus fossil, and asked a nearby museum employee how old it was.
"That skeleton's sixty-five million and three years, two months and eighteen days old," the employee replied.
"How can you know it that well?"
"Well, when I started working here, I asked a scientist the exact same question, and he said it was sixty-five million years old – and that was three years, two months and eighteen days ago."
In the above example, the humour is that the employee fails to understand the precision of the age of the fossil.
Two mathematicians are in a bar. The first one says to the second that the average person knows very little about basic math. The second one disagrees, and claims that most people can cope with a reasonable amount of math. The first mathematician goes off to the washroom, and in his absence the second calls over the waitress. He tells her that in a few minutes, after his friend has returned, he will call her over and ask her a question; all she has to do is answer, "One third x cubed." She agrees, and goes off mumbling to herself. The first guy returns and the second proposes a bet to prove his point. He says he will ask the blonde waitress an integral, and the first laughingly agrees. The second man calls over the waitress and asks, "What is the integral of x squared?" The waitress says, "One third x cubed." Then, while walking away, she turns back and says, "Plus a constant!"
Monday, May 28, 2007
2nd Welthiest man in SE Asia is a Srilankan Tamil Descent
Ananda Krishnan hates public exposure and is known to maintain a very low profile for a person of his stature. However, his hugely successful business activities always thrust him into the limelight and his name represents a huge business empire.
Early life
He was born in 1938 in Brickfields, Kuala Lumpur's "Little India" to a Tamil immigrant family from Sri Lanka and is of Sri Lankan Tamil descent (Ceylonese/Jaffnese).
Ananda Krishnan studied at Vivekananda Tamil School in Kuala Lumpur and furthered his studies at Victoria Instituition, Kuala Lumpur. Later, he attended University of Melbourne, Australia for his B.A. (Honours) degree majoring in political science. Following that, Krishnan obtained a Masters in Business Administration at Harvard University, graduating in 1964.
Ananda Krishnan’s first entrepreneurial venture was in oil trading, setting up Exoil Trading, which went on to purchase oil drilling concessions in various countries. Later he moved into gambling (in Malaysia), stud farming (in Australia) and running a Hollywood cartoon studio. Soon, he diversified into a host of other business opportunities. In the early part of the 1990s, he started diversifying, in a big way, into the multimedia arena.
Currently, he has business interests in entertainment (Astro), space(3 Satellites) , oil, power, shipping, telecommunications (Maxis - Malaysia, Aircell - India), property and gaming (Pan Pools Malaysia). His companies operate in a most parts of the South East Asia. A quarter of his wealth comes from the gambling business (lottery, horse-racing wagering).He is also said to be behind the world's largest indoor Water Park in Tropical Islands,Germany with former Genting Group executive Colin Au.He is also pondering an online lottery venture in Russia.
Said to have an extraordinary entrepreneurial flair and far sighted, it was Ananda who sold former Malaysian Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad on the idea of the 88-storey Petronas Twin Towers, the world's second tallest building, which stake he has now sold off.[citation needed]
Fortune magazine, in a 2001 article, called him "Kuala Lumpur's Mr Big".
Multimedia dealings
He first came to prominence by helping to organize the Live Aid concert with Bob Geldof in the mid-1980s. In the early 1990s, he began building a multimedia empire that now includes two telecommunication companies - Maxis Communications and MEASAT Broadcast Network Systems - and has three communication satellites circumnavigating the earth.
He also effected the purchase of 46% of Maxis Communications, the country's largest cellular phone company, from British Telecom and AT&T for $680 million - raising his stake to 70%. Maxis has more than eight million subscribers, with more than 40% market share in Malaysia. Recently, Maxis has acquired AirCel, Tamil Nadu's largest cellular phone company and has plans to expand to rest of India. Maxis is also under negotiation to buy over and expand an Indonesian cellular phone company.[citation needed]
He is also the head of Astro All Asia Networks Plc, the only company currently providing a DIRECT to HOME TV satellite service in Malaysia. (accessed 18th August 2006). It currently broadcasts to Malaysia, Brunei and Indonesia.
In an agreement between Astro and India's Sun Network, Ananda plans to produce TV channels which cater to the Indian market, especially Tamil diaspora in countries such as US and Europe. Ananda also plans to offer TV services featuring Web-based interactivity.
Ananda Krishnan owns stakes in (the interactive arm of Hong Kong's main broadcaster) and the Shaw Brothers' movie archives, which holds more than 800 movie titles. He also operates a chain of TGV multiplex theatres.
Personal life
Ananda Krishnan has been called everything from a recluse to a humble, silent worker. Not much is known about him and his tightly guarded private life because he maintains such a low profile. He is said to be the brother of late-Singapore billionaire Eliyathamby.
He is known to be apolitical.[citation needed] But he is also a close friend of both former Malaysian Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad and Mahathir's former arch-foe Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah.[citation needed] He brokered the peace deal and healed the political rift between them a few years ago.[citation needed]
He is also known to be generous and donates to charities and temples as well as has established scholarships for the deserving. In 2005, newspapers reported that he had given away RM160 million to charities through his privately owned Usaha Tegas group of companies.Despite his wealth he still maintains and stays in his family's Minangkabau styled mansion in Kuala Lumpur.He was one of the earliest tycoon to own a Dassault Falcon private jet.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Vijitha Herath of the University of Paderborn, Germany, writes on the issue:
Apropos the claim that Adam Gilchrist had a squash ball in his left glove during his innings at the finals of the cricket World Cup. Let me offer a scientific perspective.
A squash ball is a rubber ball. Unlike a cricket (leather) ball, it compresses when pressure is applied on it. When the pressure is released, it takes its original shape. In short, it acts like a spring ( e.g.: a motorcycle shock absorber). So what happens when a batsman has a squash ball in the palm of his bottom hand?
When a batsman swings the bat until it hits the ball, there is pressure on his bottom hand. This pressure compresses the squash ball thus storing energy in the ball similar to spring. Just after the ball hits the bat (ball still touching the bat) this pressure starts to relax while the bat is moving forward.
At the same time the energy stored in the squash ball releases its energy to the bat in the form of kinetic energy. The result is that the bat moves faster than normal (without a ball in the glove).
As a result, the release-speed of the cricket ball becomes faster resulting in the ball travelling further before hitting the ground. Therefore it results in more sixes and fours being scored.
The downside is because the bat travels faster than normal the batsman might lose control of the bat. This happened once in the Adam Gilchrist's innings when the bat slipped out of his hands and fell behind the wickets. If you have any doubts please try to do it yourself and see the result. In brief Gilchrist's use of the squash ball allowed him to hit the ball further in the field.
The above explanation clearly gives you an insight into the fact that the squash ball was used not purely as a protective gear but, as a performance enhancer to a player who was playing his last World Cup innings and did not care of the consequences, but was hell bent on rubbing some glory upon himself.
Monday, May 14, 2007
My Changi Experience don’t yawn!! This article is neither a publicity campaign nor a stastical analysis of the airport. But if u are interested u can find out more details @ My Changi Experience is about my working experience in the airport as a part time customer service agent. Though I’ve worked there for only 3 weeks, I enjoyed it the most and had lots of interesting incidents, which I would like to share with u all!!
The first good experience for me was my uniform. The only thing that differs me from the co-pilot is that, I have one gold bar on my shoulder comparing to his three. Of course they have their cap and their coat, but they hardly wear it. I had this wonderful experience of small kids talking to me thinking that I was the captain, and some Non-English-Speaking people identifying me as the captain. It was very funny.
Arrival Controlling is another interesting aspect of the job, where u stand at the arrival gate, greet the passengers and give them directions or help them board their next flight. When passengers step into Singapore they see us first, and they are pretty excited or on a hurry to catch their next flight. The best thing about these passengers is that they speak English in an accent which is different from mine, or else they might speak a completely alien language. The most interesting and challenging part is to provide these passengers, with the information they are looking for. It is usually easy if the passengers are Caucasians. These whites don’t ask too many questions and are mostly English speaking and friendly, and understands the procedures well. Handling people from Japan, China or other non-English speaking people are very interesting because they talk to me in their own language thinking that I am a linguistic expert, and expect me to help them. Idiots...can’t they see my colour?? What I do is, I answer them back in Tamil, and give hand signals and directions. It might sound lame, but they usually get it!!
Indian passengers are always intriguing and interesting. For one thing they speak in their normal funny accent which is enough to keep me laughing for the whole day. And there are few who try to speak with American accent, and not getting it properly, resulting with the birth of Indian-American accent. It’s the most funniest. The irritating thing about them is that they want to ask every single thing to double confirm, and they have lots of comments to make too. The fascinating thing is that u can see India’s influence all over the world. I had flights from Beijing and San Francisco packed with Indians. I get to see lots of Thailand, and Indonesian passports with Indian names, but most of them are not Indians. India...incredible India!!
Now the Sri Lankans!! Yesterday I had a very happening flight from Sri Lanka. Minister of Justice, Mr Dilan Perera was on a transit to Singapore, attending some meeting in Seoul. I’ve never seen or heard of him, but this guy is arriving on my flight, and I was supposed to amend his hotel voucher to stay in the transit hotel. I was a bit tensed before meeting this guy, but apparently he was so gentle and friendly. An interesting fact was that he travelled in the economy class of Singapore Airlines. After that, I saw a guy with a shirt and pants and having a bag on his shoulder. He looked familiar, and a closer looked confirmed that he was Upul Chandana, A Sri Lankan Cricketer. I went to him and was like “Mr. Upul Chandana, can I help you??” He passed me his boarding pass and asked me where the gate was. I checked his name to confirm that he was the real guy. I gave him directions in English first, which he didn’t seem to have understood, then I switched to Singhalese, and still he was a bit confused. Its funny isn’t it, for a person who has travelled a lot to play cricket can’t find his own way in an internationally acclaimed airport! This so far my wonderful experience at the Changi, i'll share more, once i experience....
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Spidy is Tamil

3) Forgiveness is the trade mark signature of tamil movies, which has all those super, supreme, captain or ulitmate stars as the heroes. Here again "The sand man", alomost kills spidy, and spidy really dont have an idea on how to kill the sandy. But fortunately for him the sand man comes upto him and ask to be forgiven. Spidy might have thought that now as osbourne is dead and i dont know how to kill sandy, its better forgive him, than to make him a foe and lose his own life.
Monday, May 7, 2007
Chennai 600028
1) The movie is about a bunch of guys in the area chennai 600028, and how they want to win a tennis ball cricket trophy. They beat their rivals in the semi-finals, so the all important final becomes the anit-climax of the movie, where they lose it to small kids comprehensively. It was a nice funny ending.
2) Like in all cricket movies, there is this one guy who cant catch the ball. And as usual he catches it in the semi-final, and was over the moon. But alas, the umpire says no ball. He cries and shouts and runs upto the bowler and tells, "i leave u alone because, only because u are my captain!!" Was another funny moment.
All in all the movie was actually quite intersting, considering the fact that the movie didnt have a good story to tell. Venkat prabu did a good job as a director. Mixed realism well with cinematic elements. This is a must watch movie for all tamilians.
Aussie da Pussy!!
Gilchrist was the only batsman in the australian innings to score, and only he did have a strike rate of more than hundred. All the other batsman played an average innings against the srilankan attack, especially Symonds and Clarke, who were struggling to get the big shots against malinga, in the final overs.

Gilchrist scored 149 of 104 balls, and took the match completely away from the lankans. After the match, Gilchrist said he had "something" in his left glove during his innings and when he reached his century he repeatedly pointed to his left batting glove with his right hand.
"I had a little message, to wave to someone at home in Australia about something in my glove," Gilchrist told the post-match media conference. He then confirmed the message was for his batting coach and former West Australia player Bob Meuleman who, Gilchrist said, had advised him to carry a squash ball in his left, bottom hand to help him with his grip. "His (Meuleman's) last words to me before I left the indoor training centre where I train with him in Perth were, 'If you are going to use it (squash ball), make sure when you score a hundred in the final you show me and prove to me you got it in there'. I had stayed true to that."
Can a batsman carry an object, in this case, a squash ballnot connected with cricket to help him on the field? Did he secure the prior permission of the umpires? Was the fielding side captain aware of the use of the squash ball? Did (Sri Lankan captain) Mahela Jayawardene approve its use?
"Before the toss and during the match, the umpires shall satisfy themselves that (a) the conduct of the game is strictly in accordance with the Laws. (b) the implements of the game conform to the requirements of Laws 5 (the ball) and 6 (the bat), together with either Laws 8.2 (size of stumps) and 8.3 (the bails) or, if appropriate, Law 8.4 (junior cricket). (c) (i) no player uses equipment other than that permitted. (ii) the wicket-keepers gloves comply with the requirements of Law 40.2 (gloves)."
Some interesting facts that made Gilchrist and which won the world cup for Aussie da pussy.
1) Gilchrist never used the squash ball in the past and also in any of the other 10 games prior to the finals. Did the squash ball help?
2) Gilchrist was out of form and didn't score many runs in the whole World Cup tour apart from the finals. Did the squash ball provide Gilchrist the required assistance to bring him back to form?
3) The World Cup final was between Sri Lanka and Gilchrist (not Australia). All other in-form Australian batsmen were struggling to score except the out-of-form Gilchrist who had this squash ball to enhance his grip or did it?
4) Most of his shots, mainly his eight sixes, were massive and cleared the grounds. Did the squash ball help?
5) The number of sixes hit by Gilchrist amounts to eight in the finals, compared to two in the previous 10 games. Is it because of the squash ball?
6) Gilchrist's average without the last innings would have been a mere 30.40 compared to the 45.30 after the finals. Did the squash ball help to boost his average?
7) Gilchrist's strike rate without the last innings would have been 91.57 compared to the 103.89 after the finals. Again, did the squash ball provide that extra power?
Australia speaks a lot about cheating and legality of a bowling action in cricket, and they were extremely harsh against Murali. How do they call this kind of a cheating of hiding a ball inside the glove?? Are they so selfish that they don’t mind cheating, but won’t let others cheat?? How fair is this?? This is not the first time Aussies showed the world that they are pussies. Australian present captain, Ricky Ponting used graphite-coated bat to give him extra strength, before it was been banned. That’s why gilchrist used his ball only in the final, before it could be banned. No wonder the Australians have won the world cup 3 in a row.
The most disturbing of all is, a friend of mine, who was born and bred in Sri Lanka for 19 years, and recently left to Australia. He is just residing there for the last 6 odd months. He is such a big Australian supporter. He forgot his motherland...motherlanka.....Interesting to see how people change very fast. If he can forget his mother Land after finding a better land, what would he do to his mom when he gets married?? I hope to meet his parents in Elders care centre after he is married!!
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Hello World
Well first of all, i used to be a DVD player which only reads only good stuff. I only read very famous books, mainly because i am not much of a reader, and only good books keep me hooked to them. After seeing my best pals, parthz and juna, starting a blog, i was intersted to follow them, but the proper time didnt come. After buying a laptop and surfed through most of the good stuff in the internet, i felt like sharing my thoughts to the world, like my friends. But i hope my views of the world and life will be far different and intersting than theirs. So as it happens, i have upgraded my self to DVD-R/RW.
To be frank, i really dont know what i am going to write on my blog, or how often i am going to update it. But as far as i know there is going to be some stuff on my blog, and no matter what it is, it will be interesting. IF NOT………….(it might be boring).
While trying to find a name for my blog, i came across this word "Pandemonium". It means devils place. So u know what to expect….