Spiderman 3, one of the most expected movies of this summer, opened up big all over the world. Good to see spidy having a big fan following and doing well. But thing that me fascinated more, on this 3rd installment of the spiderman series is that, it had a certain scenes which were like carbon-copied from tamil movies. Here goes the reseblences..
1) In tamil movies, when a character knows a secret, and he is so important that he cannot be killed off, and to tell the secret in the climax of the movie, they usually hit they person in question on the head. The injured guy will get ammnesia, meaning that he will forget the past for some time. The same thing happens to Harry Osbourne in the movie.
2) One of the most common thing in tamil movies is that the hero will be held captive, with his hands and legs tied up. The villain will run upto him carrying a sharp object, tryin to kill him. But suddenly a-good-guy, but must-be-killed-to-avoid-confusion character, will jump in between to save the hero. Same thing happens in S3 where osbourne jumps in between spidy and kills himself and therby saving spidy and the world. Like all the other tamil movies he leaves his last breath on his lovers lap. And as usual our hero, the spidy, breaks off the chain, and runs after the villain in anger!(no one knows why he couldnt break free when he was about to be killed).
3) Forgiveness is the trade mark signature of tamil movies, which has all those super, supreme, captain or ulitmate stars as the heroes. Here again "The sand man", alomost kills spidy, and spidy really dont have an idea on how to kill the sandy. But fortunately for him the sand man comes upto him and ask to be forgiven. Spidy might have thought that now as osbourne is dead and i dont know how to kill sandy, its better forgive him, than to make him a foe and lose his own life.
Spidy is an international franchise and its good to see, a movie which was aimed at all the international audience has all the elements to make a nice, good tamil film. It had romance, love break down, triangular love, mothers love, climax fight and etc. Songs were the only thing that lacked in spiderman 3.
Yays for spiderman!
How analytic! I never notice these things...
Nice blog!
Satya xXx
again didnt like it at all..very long and dragging...felt kinda sleepy half way through....plus most of the clips were released wel before the actual release for promotional purposes which made it repetetive to watch...could have been better
Pirat even thought its has trade marks o tamil movies, I'd say tamil movie ppl get the ideas from english movies mate and u know that urself.
But what u've listed above is also true.
Still the visual effects are so good. going to watch it in theatres.....
cheers......AL's coming up too.....
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