I personally had a wonderful time watching the movie. The visuals were stunning and it was certainly a breath taking journey back to 10 000 BC. With saber-toothed cat, mammoth hunting and fighting with large Ostrichs, there was no lack for action sequences and entertainment.
But certain things in the movie were a bit disturbing.
First of all the movie's theme was not original. We already had a tribal village, which is was attacked by a group of raiders and a few villagers being kidnapped, in Apocalypto. In Apocalyto the hero is captured and he escapes back to village to save his pregnant wife, but in 10 000 BC the Leading lady is captured and the hero goes to the rescue. Reminds me of Fairy tales.
The raiders kidnapped the villagers to Egypt to sell as slaves. Its definately Egypt cuz they were building pyramids. But unlike never heard before in history, mammoths were used to push up the big stones to build the pyramid. Its really hard to contradict with history as mammoth, or better known as wooly mammoth, survived and worked in a dessert. History tells that mammoth were roaming in the Ice age and went to extinction after global warming. Hard to accpet them working in dessert building a pyramid.
We had mayan pyramids in Apocalypto, so the director, Rokan Emerich, to maintain the originality, went for Egyptian pyramids. The tribal village is somewhere on a cold mountain. Lets say the tribal village is some cold mountain in europe, cuz they were speaking English. hehe. So the director is trying to put an idea into our head that we could literally walk from England to Egypt. Well thats how they do it in good old days, but can they do it in something like 6 days??
The best joke in the film however is the Stretcher. Right after the village was attacked the injured people were taken on a stretcher. It was alomost like modern day stretcher with 2 guys holding it on each end. Where were they taking them to?? Mammoth National Hospital??
Interesting to see stretchers being used 10 000 years Before christ.
No matter what, go and watch 10 000 BC. its definately a wonderful movie experience!!!